You can use our list of frequently-asked questions to find out more about how Solo Homes can help with your property.

You can use our list of frequently asked questions to find out more about how Solo Homes can help with your property.

If you still have an unanswered question, please contact us and we'll be happy to help

Can I call Solo Homes rather than just e-mail?

Yes. Our team of call handlers are there to help with your queries and to arrange any viewings. They can also help you to get setup online, so you can experience our full range of services.

Do you have people waiting for certain types of property?

We do operate sales and rental databases, containing clients that have requested to be contacted about certain property in certain areas. Once a property comes on to the market with us, we contact all suitable clients instantly.

Is Solo Homes only online?

Like many modern estate agents, we do not have offices on local high streets. We’re keen to emphasise that no estate agent can know a property as well as the homeowner, so rather than be an unnecessary middle man, we want buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, to have direct conversations about their properties location and all the local features. Whether you’re a buyer or seller, landlord or tenant, you can still pick up the phone with any queries and to arrange any viewings, without the need for you to visit a high street office in person.

What if I want to buy and sell through Solo Homes?

Once you’ve created an account you’ll have access to SoloHub. You’ll notice a tab at the top left of SoloHub that allows you to swap between Buyer and Seller accounts.

What if my buyer pulls out?

We accept that not all property sales/purchases reach completion, but the best action an Estate Agent can take is to move quick. Firstly, we will assist in trying to save the transaction, but if nothing can be done we will re-advertise your property at no extra fee.

What’s included for £499 + VAT?

Our headline price of just £499 + VAT gives you access to all of the following:

Which areas do you cover?

Our property experts are most experienced in the estate agency industries of England and Wales. The legislation is slightly different in other parts of the UK, so we’ve decided to stick to what we’re good at.

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